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How does Kickstarter Work? Insight into Business Model and Revenue Model of Kickstarter

kickstarter business model

Kickstarter was launched on April 28, 2009 by Perry Chen, Yancey Strickler, and Charles Adler. The company is based in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Basically Kickstarter was started to help film-makers, musicians, painters, writers, photographers, designers and other creators to find the resources and support that they need to make their ideas into reality. To date, many creative projects have come to life with the support of the Kickstarter community.

You may like to read – How does Kickstarter Work?

How did Kickstarter Raise the Fund?

Kickstarter raised $10 million funding from backers like angel investors such as Jack Dorsey, Zach Klein Caterina Fake and, NYC-based venture firm Union Square Ventures etc.

Kickstarter Business Model

Customer Segments

Kickstarter has a multi-sided business model, with two independent customer segments.


An individual or a group of people who requests for funding for the project with productive goal.


People who lend money for the funding of the creators’ projects.

Value Proposition

There are four primary value proposition of Kickstarter: accessibility, risk reduction, performance and brand/status.

The organization gives an elective wellspring of subsidizing for ventures that may experience issues accepting financial sponsorship. It likewise gives enthusiasts of a given task the chance to by and by help it.

The organization keeps up an “Integrity Team” whose intention is to guarantee the security of its clients. The group utilizes mechanized tools and complex calculations to recognize and inspect suspicious undertaking action. It additionally gathers and surveys concerns detailed by the group. On the off chance that it finds that a creator has manhandled the framework, it collects a suspension. These activities help to diminish the danger of extortion for supporters.

The Kickstarter Business Model has a solid execution track record. Among ventures that have achieved 20% of their financing objective, 81% have in the long run been effectively (completely) supported. Among ventures that have achieved 60% of their target, 98% have been in the end supported.

The organization’s high achievement rate has prompted a solid brand. More than 11 million individuals have gone about as patrons for a task, promising over $2 billion for more than 100,000 undertakings. More than 3 million of those people were rehashed patrons, and more than 400,000 individuals have sponsored at least ten ventures. The site isn’t just utilized by regular subjects, however has likewise turned out to be famous among unmistakable individuals looking for stores, especially in media outlets – prominent cases incorporate tasks by Rob Thomas, Zach Braff, and Spike Lee for their motion picture endeavors. Finally, the webpage has gotten constructive consideration in the media, with the New York Times calling it “the general population’s NEA” (National Endowment for the Arts) and Time featuring it as one of the”Best Websites of 2011″ and one of the”Best Inventions of 2010.”


Kickstarter Business Model’s core channel is its website, through which it obtains users. The other channels is to gain users are it’s social media pages.

Key Partners

kickstarter business partners

In the name of dedicated partners, Kickstarter does not have any. But the company has partnered with various entities for cross-promotional purposes.

New York Times utilized its community of filmmakers to create Kickstarter branded documentaries to be published on its webpage and YouTube channel.

Cost Structure

Marketing cost is less for Kickstarter as it profits from its customers for advertising. Other main cost centers, storage space and office, data center rent payments and servers remain low in relation to revenue. Why? 40% of all project are funded thus a good resource output to input relation exists.

Core Competitors

Kickstarter has possessed the capacity to guarantee a competitive advantages by building an expansive client base. Like Facebook, Twitter and other online networking stages, the more clients pulled in the more important the administration progresses toward becoming and the more prominent the obstruction of passage.

This and Kickstarter’s capacity to cater the psychological needs of its clients – self acknowledgment and feeling of having a place – make the organization a pearl.

So this is the means by which the Kickstarter strategy for success has guided them to progress and a billion dollar agenda– one of a kind to Kickstarter Business Model is its capacity to offer a positive incentive through the production of inter-weaved premiums and its imaginative income suggestion.

Key Resources

Kickstarter Business Model’s fundamental asset is its innovative workers who keep up the stage – half of its staff is engaged with planning and coding. The organization likewise relies upon client benefit representatives to address client issues.

Finally, as a start-up it has depended vigorously on outside financing, raising $10 million from 19 speculators as of March 2011.

Distribution Channels

Kickstarter chose that the two strategies for conveyance aren’t totally unrelated and chosen to cash in on both. From one viewpoint, in employments its site page to make an introduction and give the service. On the other, it utilizes the advertising activities of creators and backer as a method for currently advancing its services in the second player like Facebook, Twitter and, Instagram. Virtuoso. Kickstarter made the nuclear bomb of marketing, a connection where the achievement of its organization is interlinked with the accomplishment of its clients.

How does Kickstarter Make Money?

Kickstarter Business Model is one of very simple Business Models that have very superficial business.

“Commission” is the age-old business model type and Kickstarter is an example of that Business Model.

Kickstarter gets 5% of all effectively funded projects. That is it. On the off chance that the undertaking doesn’t achieve the base support, the creator and the backer leave gratis. Thus, if the project raised $1 Million, then the project would get about $9000,000 into his associated bank account

Bakers may or may not be charged until 100% of the funds are raised. The backers card will be charged only when the milestone is met.

While at first this income structure appears to be absurd, it’s Einstein material. Why? It makes a win-win circumstance with low exit and section costs for creators and supporters. This advances venture creation and along these lines energizes free promoting and the system impact.


Kickstarter Business Model Canvas

As we’ve seen in the earlier point, the canvas model of Kickstarter clarifies the key accomplices, key exercises, key assets, incentives, client relations, channels and client portions of Kickstarter. Alongside this, the cost structure and income floods of Kickstarter have likewise been recorded. Look at it:

kickstarter business model


Why Is the Kickstarter Business Model Sustainable?

sustainable business model of kickstarter

Kickstarter business model can be safeguarded because of their attention on inventive tasks. They’ve included some adaptability as of late with crusades that can be immediately begun [take the potato serving of mixed greens campaign, for example], yet they have intentionally restricted their market development openings by concentrating on one summed up a specialty. Consequently, they can without much of a stretch shield their piece of the overall industry of crowdfunding with regards to innovative ventures.

Some portion of the explanation for this achievement can be ascribed to what has been known as the Ikea Effect. At the point when individuals shop at Ikea for furniture, they’re not bringing home something that appears as though it does on the business floor. They need to assemble the furniture at home, trusting that the greater part of the parts has been incorporated into the bundling. Since there is a battle to assemble the furniture and make it delightful, Ikea’s clients value their buy more than if they purchased something that was preassembled. They’ll even deal with it better.

Why Your Company Should Use the Kickstarter Model to Innovate

In an amazingly brief time, Kickstarter has rapidly turned into the go-to high-affect mashup of crowdsourcing sensibility and entrepreneurial endeavor. In the event that you have a truly inventive thought — or even a “me, too with a turn” — Kickstarter’s “group subsidizing” stage offers a really imaginative approach to fund raising and development. Since its 2009 dispatch, Kickstarter claims that more than 4.1 million individuals have vowed over $619 million to finance more than 41,000 activities. It’s energizing.

Be that as it may, Kickstarter’s motivation and adequacy at encouraging “without a moment to spare innovative groups” — or what has likewise been depicted as “drive support” — represents a provocative test to the C-suites of worldwide associations around the world: Where are their Kickstarters? For what reason aren’t pioneers tapping the crowdfunding abilities of their own advancement biological communities to fortify their kin and thoughts?

The Kickstarter model ought to be a piece of the development foundation of each worldwide undertaking that takes intrapreneurial innovative and lucid corporate culture truly.

Inner investment and skunk work ventures are just the same old thing new. Corporate behemoths — like IBM and its advancement sticks, 3M’s open advancement endeavors and Procter &Gamble’s interface + create programs — are continually searching for approaches to cost-viably use their scale while securely investigating potential development openings. A considerable lot of these activities appreciate some achievement; most don’t.

Be that as it may, one innate test — blemish? — in the mind dominant part of the advancement activities I’ve seen is the manner by which characteristically compartmentalized, isolated and storehouse sized they progress toward becoming. They’re inventive and additionally imaginative endeavors speaking to creatives and trailblazers. They’re not intended to speak to the association — not to mention its environment! — on the loose.

Besides, financing for development overwhelmingly originates from “spending plans” instead of any optional assets held by people or little groups. “Motivation support” closely resembles inconceivability to any individual who isn’t an administrator with an income positive P&L and the bravery to take a risk. The possibility that workers could contribute their own particular cash to help kickstart a provocative proposition is authoritative apostasy. Maybe it ought to be. In any case, imagine a scenario in which a cut or bit of individuals’ remuneration was named for Kickstarter-esque optional financing. For what reason not make the association a commercial center that makes the alternative to tap not “the astuteness of group” but rather the “energy of representatives” or the “view of the work force”?

Basically every worldwide venture of note, regardless of whether business or non-benefit, now has the inner systems and web-based social networking devices that make disguising a Kickstarter-like activity in fact conceivable. The more self-evident, and testing, the concern is whether authoritative administrations have even started to thoroughly consider the advancement bifurcation of these novel apparatuses, innovations and procedures for making new coalitions of inventive business visionaries and enabled singular speculators. I’d say not.

In any case, let me take Kickstarter’s recommendation to specialists and business people who need to utilize its stage to evoke subsidizing and backers: “Gatherings of people react to energy, truthfulness, and a capacity to execute. They need to see you impart this in your video, and they need you to offer innovative prizes that are decently estimated.”

How troublesome or socially contrary would making an interpretation of that invitation to take action be for most worldwide endeavors?

Put another way, what CEO, CMO or advancement pioneer wouldn’t have any desire to realize what kind new items, administrations, client encounters, and so on their individual representatives would support? What an intriguing — and fabulous — approach to take the development temperature of the undertaking. What sorts of the proposition would prompt territorial and utilitarian oversubscription? What sorts of ventures never get financed?

Kickstarterizing the endeavor gives a capable method for re-balancing top-down advancement endeavors with base/center up ventures that motivate cross-practical/trans-fringe backers. In case you’re a P&G, a Toyota, a General Electric or a Haier, this is precisely the sort of advancement commercial center you should test not simply to get new thoughts but rather to perceive what gets your kin from everywhere throughout the world intrigued and energized enough to contribute. That is, to me, an extensive piece of what solid advancement societies are about.

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Kinjal Buddhadev
Kinjal Buddhadev
Specialized in eCommerce, marketplace, on-demand, startup, peer-to-peer, business model

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