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A Step-by-Step Guide to Cloud Computing

a step by step guide to cloud computing

Cloud computing has brought in many changes in the world considering the transformation of businesses from using old traditional methods to the latest technology. However, the internet plays a major role in the formation of such services. Further, in this blog, we’ll see from where it evolved and ‘what is cloud computing’.

Cloud computing has gained its popularity mainly after Salesforce started using it successfully in 1999. But the fact is, it existed long before that. In 1963, MIT invented a technology that acted as a primitive cloud with two or more people accessing it, which was then described as Virtualization. The concept of Virtualization began shifting with the evolution of the Internet. Businesses began offering virtual computers as a rental service which led to the development of cloud computing in the 1990s.

In 2006, Amazon Web Services was introduced that offered online services to its clients. It also has another site Elastic Compute Cloud that offers virtual computer services to individuals. In the later years, other big firms like Google, IBM, and Oracle started out their different forms of providing cloud computing services.

Let us see ‘What is cloud computing?’ in detail.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing has been around since long but the ultimate use of it in enterprises started after Amazon’s AWS, which you could conclude reading the brief history above. Technology has gained its new momentum with the introduction of the internet in almost every field. The same goes with data storage and computing after the introduction of “cloud”.

So, What is Cloud Computing? It is an on-demand availability of computer system resources. In simpler words, it refers to the data resource that can be shared by various users over the internet. It is on-demand access to computing services for various purposes like storage, applications, processing power over the internet and on a pay-as-you-go basis.

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Before this technological solution, we were dependent on the traditional business application wherein the hardware played a major role which is a reason why things were complicated. For instance, a team working on the same project could not report about their updates in a single sheet. They need to make individual sheets and the manager fumbles around those separate sheets trying to make out what is the team progress. But with the introduction of Google Sheets, this is possible. A google sheet can be shared by various users through a link and they could update in the same sheet at the same time from different locations and PCs or laptops or even their phones. This is a tiny example of the implementation of cloud computing. It is further divided into different types based on its nature and services.

Types of Cloud Computing

After knowing what is cloud computing, it is eminent that you must be wondering what this wave of cloud technology has vast scopes and could fit into different fields if it was flexible. Well, not all clouds are the same and fit for all. There are three major types of Clouds;

Private Cloud

A private cloud refers to cloud computing services used exclusively by a single organization. This private cloud could be located physically on the company’s data center and then delivered to internal users. It hosts its services to a limited number of people.

Public Cloud

A public cloud is operated by a third party service provider that delivers servers and storage and other services through the internet. These services are sold on demand and generally on hourly rates. Leading public cloud service providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM, Microsoft Azure, and Google cloud platform. Some of these providers also offer long term services.

Hybrid Cloud

As the name suggests, the hybrid cloud is a combination of both the clouds, private and public. This is a way to amalgamate both the clouds while they serve their own purpose. Many companies invest public cloud for interaction with customers and private cloud for securing their data. But this category often faces performance issues.

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Types of Cloud Computing Services

Today, companies are investing in cloud computing to scale and increase their functionality rather than adding software and infrastructure. There are three major types of cloud computing services that are most commonly and widely adopted.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service often referred to as IaaS, is the most basic cloud solution. These providers offer and manage virtual infrastructure for businesses by providing access to networking features, computers, and data storage space. With this, companies can outsource storage, data center, cloud networking, and servers with the similar functionality of the on-premises infrastructure.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service often referred to as PaaS, is built on IaaS. It not only offers the infrastructure but also provides a computing platform and solution stack. It offers development tools and business analytics apart from building and upgrading necessary softwares. It manages all the routine maintenance.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service often referred to as SaaS, is the most well-known cloud service. The SaaS providers offer fully functional applications to customers on demand. With SaaS, the end users need not worry about the maintenance or how the underlying infrastructure is worked out, they just need to know how they could use the offered service. It generally on a pay-per-use model.

Other models that could be considered as cloud computing services include Recovery as a Service (RaaS), Storage as a service (STaaS), Security as a service (SECaaS), Data as a service (DaaS), Test environment as a service (TEaaS), Desktop as a service(DaaS), API as a service (APIaaS).

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Advantages of Cloud Computing

There are innumerous benefits of cloud computing. Here are some of them;

● Accessibility:

Technology has enabled us to achieve globalization with the help of high-speed internet connectivity. With this, cloud computing came into existence. One of the major benefits of cloud computing is accessibility. One can access the files shared via cloud computing from anywhere across the globe and could share it across the globe as well.

● Increased Speed & Scalability:

Cloud computing works like an unlimited IT resource. It fulfills the instant need for infrastructure. One can scale up/down according to their individual needs instantly. With remote servers of cloud computing companies, any organization can easily scale their cloud capacity instantly.

● Money saver:

Companies can save a lot of time and money by investing in Cloud Computing. With the cloud, you don’t need to invest in infrastructure or data centers or hardware, you could use that money in building your business. Cloud costs depend on consumption as most of the cloud computing companies offer pay-per-use model.

● Secure & Flexible:

It is a must to secure your sensitive data and security is one of the advantages of cloud computing. It has advanced security features that have reduced the risks of cyber stealth and information loss. Along with this, it also provides flexibility. As it is easy to access it from anywhere, it also gives the benefit of flexibility to the company’s employers to work from anywhere, anytime!

● Easy Recovery:

With the increased digitalization, it is a must to save your data and keep a backup to save you from crucial data loss disasters, be it a small business or a large corporation. Cloud computing can help you with this effortlessly as everything is saved on the cloud there is no need to take backups and worry about the data.

● Automated Updates:

The major problem with most of the companies working on softwares from different vendors is the constant need for upgrades from time to time which cannot be avoided as their daily work depends upon various operating systems and various applications. This time-consuming process can be avoided by using Cloud Computing. A cloud service provider takes care of all the updates automatically saving your manual efforts and time.

After knowing all about Cloud Computing, starting from ‘what is cloud computing?’ and reading all about cloud computing services, advantages of cloud computing and having an overview of what do the cloud computing services provide, now you must be aware of everything about the cloud. The major cloud computing companies are Microsoft Azure, Oracle, Amazon Web Services and many more.

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It only takes a few minutes or hours to set up this service, but you must research well to understand your needs and find a provider who offers a solution to all your requirements and adopt cloud computing services to benefit from its robust scalable features.

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Himani Ramvani
Himani Ramvani
Himani is versatile, an innovator who wears many hats including a Content writer. Her educational background and her artistic inclination makes her different in spirit and curious to know about everything new.

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  1. Thanks for sharing the above blog links it helps to understand about the new updates of technology and new innovation


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