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Fundraise your Projects using Crowdfunding Site Clones and effective Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising is one of the latest trends over internet and for various organizations this activity has proved to be money-making method to raise funds for various projects. Fundraising for organizations includes fundraisers who raise funds professionally, organizations working for religious purpose, political campaign, public broadcasting, taxation and many more.

There are many Crowdfunding scripts available in the market such as Kickstarter Clone, Indiegogo, SecondMarket are some of the best example of fundraising sites that helps you in acquiring huge amount of money through website.

There are various activities that can be included in fundraising activities, but to raise huge amount your fundraising activities for your projects needs to be strong and trustworthy. All along the activity or event you choose for fundraising should be in such a way that everybody can participate, so that people can take interest in taking part and should be charged minimum. I would like to discuss some of the recent fundraising activities

  • Fundraise by Games

Indoor Games Tournament: – You can include various indoor games such as chess, carom, table tennis, cross hurdles, play with clay and many more with nominal participant fees so that they take it seriously for winning a price. Indoor games are more feasible for all people and can be played within small area and events can be for business meets, get together, office events etc.

Outdoor Games Tournament: – An outdoor game is one of the good ideas to organize and raise fund but there will be less interested people and participants. You can raise maximum amount of money from outdoor games by organizing various tournaments like Lawn Tennis, Golf, Cricket, Football, Soccer, Volleyball, and many other outdoor games.

  • Fundraise by Social Activity

Facebook Fan Page: – Creating a facebook fan page is also one of the fundraising activities, where you can raise huge fund using “Causes” application of Facebook. You just need to undergo small registration process filling questionnaire and can start petition, pledge or fundraiser. Facebook fan page can also be beneficial for creating brand awareness for your product and services.

Using Twitter: – When you are using twitter to raise fund for the cause you need to have accounts in Paypal for money transfer and Chipln to create wizard that shows current contributions. To achieve success in fundraising using twitter you need to increase as many followers as you can you should be in continuous interaction with followers with various activities.

  • Fundraise by Community

Generally this idea is used by Non-profit organizations to raise funds for various organizations such as charity functions, sponsored events, art exhibition, donation making events, musical concert and nights and many more events can be organized and funds can be raised.

One of the best and proven activities to raise fund for community is Coin Canisters that can be placed at local business shop with the label stating the cause on container.

Art auctions is also one of the community fundraising ideas that ask various artist to donate their art work to people charging some amount from beneficiaries and donating that amount to organization who organize this of community.

There are various other fundraising ideas to raise funds for your products and services. Create your own Crowdfunding Site Clones if you want to be a provider as a fundraising website by getting customized clone from NCrypted Technologies.

Jignesh Gajjar
Jignesh Gajjar
I am technology geek and passionate about digital marketing and web development. In my free time I like to explore new technologies, playing chess, bike riding, long drives.

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