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Customize your own article website platform using eZineArticles Clone Script by NCrypted

What is an article directory script?

Articles are short descriptive content with an intention of conveying some information or message. The platform which raise article all over the web, is referred as directory script platform. With the help of this platform authors all over the world get together to share their ideas, increase their knowledge and explore their views. Directory website is designed especially with the purpose of creating an article directory. Admin will get all the benefits out of this platform. We have designed an eZineArticle Clone, which has all the basic features that dwell inside eZineArticles.

ezine articles clone

What is ZineArticles Clone?

ZineArticles Clone is an article aggregator website, which has a collection of vivid range of articles, on one platform. Range includes articles from a small pin to large aero- traffics, space and much more. ZineArticles Clone is basically a directory of articles, so can even be named as article directory script. ZineArticles Clone allows users to submit their articles in various fields being listed by admin. Admin has all rights to list new categories and fields of interest.

ZineArticles by NCrypted is creative article directory software that is SEO friendly article directory website. EzineArticles clone provides all the potentials that would run a article directory website in the internet market with full-fledged. Article directory script allows you to manage the article publishing process along with the niche field categorization. Categories can be added or subtracted by Admin from the Admin Panel.

Why ZineArticles script is so useful?

Admin point of view:

ZineArticles Clone manages all the articles and process to be followed by admin to handle articles with ease. This script does all the task of managing category, managing articles and managing users. Admin need not to get to worry about any of the articles. He has rights to delete user and his articles if he fined it to be unauthorized.

User point of view:

Client share their ideas in the form of articles in return they get massive range of information on various topics, Knowledge themselves in all fields, get daily news from content, daily deals and much more. There is a saying that “pen is mightier than a sword. A sword can kill only one person, but pen can sentence to death 100 people at a time”, that explains importance of articles.

Vidhi Patel
Vidhi Patel
Vidhi is an internet marketing professional. Her interests span multiple of internet industries and she likes to regularly contribute to the NCrypted Blog.

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