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Articles by

Vidhi Patel

Vidhi is an internet marketing professional. Her interests span multiple of internet industries and she likes to regularly contribute to the NCrypted Blog.

Custom Website Clone Scripts and Products Developed by NCrypted

Website clones are generally developed from basic ideas of the parent website with required customization like adding...

Crowdfunding Website Design – Useful To Start Your New Venture

Crowdfunding is a modern way of raising a great deal of money required by businesses to uphold....

Taskrabbit Clone – future of freelance marketplace

Taskrabbit clone as a time saver In today’s difficult and challenging world if there is something which is...

Fashmark – A Powerful Poshmark Clone and its market trends

Poshmark Clone is an ecommerce platform dealing with fashion industry. Let us have a detailed survey on...

Launch of the brand new Enterprise Edition of NLance – A Freelancer Clone Script

We are very delighted to announce the official launch of the enterprise edition of NLance - a...

Busewe – An Online buy and sell websites and domains marketplace script

In today’s market shopping is tuning its beats with internet to compose best selling song of the...

Benefits of Fundraiser platform integrated with social media

Let us first look on the numbers of fundraisers and fund being collected every year in various...

eCommerce Industry – Rising Trends of Future Shopping

Let us imagine a day without our cell-phone, e-mail and internet? It’s tough to imagine than think...