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Customize your website clones with NCrypted

NCrypted is fast growing firm, in this competitive world, by removing weeds and promoting itself in the garden of IT Industry. Nowadays due to rapid growth in the technologies and knowledge to operate these technologies, they daily try keep on innovating new things.

Be aware of fraud scripts in market:

Eavesdropping all of them will also benefit us, to match our feet with the rising nation of the technology for our website clones. Thus competition is increasing day by day leading people to perform various frauds and cheating. Like coping scripts without much of knowledge and selling them at cheap prices. When user asks for the changes or customization they stand as if bolt from the blue. Being asked for any maintenance, they say hand up, saying, we have completed our task. So at the end website clone costing us too much on maintenance and wasting time complaining and getting solution every now and then, leading to a hassle condition.

Customization and merging of two platforms:

NCrypted can satisfy you with customization and merging two platforms. As aimed by NCrypted is focusing on customizable website clone according to the users’ requirement. Let us brief, as and when we have requirements from clients saying that we need few features of social bookmarking sites along with social networking websites on e-commerce o buying and selling website platforms.

We are happy to announce that, we have satisfied clients completely with our customized solutions from time to time with our innovative website clones. It is easy for us to get innovative solutions as we have our own custom structure and framework so it gets easy for us to combine them. So it costs less than market value of the original product (Solution) available for the same problem. As all the platform are being developed by our developers at our place. Thus saving time, money and maintenance.

Why NCrypted for website development clone

Robust and Scalable solutions:

NCrypted’s solutions can be easily scaled according to the needs generating with the changing trends. Rather than developing a new products with new demands, our product provides you with customization.

Nominal cost with high end features compared to scratch:

Charging bunches of money for a fraud website clone and resulting in an agony of the maintenance. It is not true always that more big the price tag more porch the product either way around is also not true less the money more benefits can be taken off from the products.

Arguably most innovative:

The research team is undergoing their efforts to get best website clones, since years. So now you will not require to research much about our products and go along with the flow.

Solution in niche market:

We have ready-made solutions for your niche market, when you don’t have an idea how to start with the website. This would help you to add new features easily.

Custom structure and framework:

NCrypted have their own custom structure for each if the platforms, so it gets easy for us to serve you with the best solutions.

Custom solution at cost of one domain license:

We provide customization at the nominal cots along with all features.

Ongoing support and quality:

We provide with ongoing support and quality to quench the thirst of website clones. We assure you with our maintenance as and when required.

Vidhi Patel
Vidhi Patel
Vidhi is an internet marketing professional. Her interests span multiple of internet industries and she likes to regularly contribute to the NCrypted Blog.

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