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Start your own photo sharing website, with flickr clone by NCrypted

What is photo sharing?

Photo it visualizes us with a say “an attractive media (to gather audience)”. Photo it has always worked more to attract people with it. Visualization to anything always helps a lot in any platform to deal with. Photos have been always part of blogs, websites or any small content on web to give it a pictorial representation to users to get them more idea about the content they write. It has helped always all the users on web to describe with their ideas. So photo sharing has grown to a very huge platform, fulfilling needs of various clients from web designer to organizations.

Photos are involved with all sorts of things from a small drop of dew to a gigantic events happing in universe. People have gone to all extend of photography.

Let’s have a quick look on such photos:

dew drop
Dew Drop
TO meteor shower
Meteor Shower
TO large tornado over the road

What is Flickr Clone?

Flickr Clone developed by NCrypted is a photo sharing platform. It allows you to host your images and videos. Flickr Clone developed by us also allows communication between users. Allows sharing the photos to various platforms and users to comment on the various photos, add them to their favorite list and view them in light box. Zooming feature of the these clone has made it more user friendly.

Flickr clone script developed by us allow following up, the images. The target clients who would be using your Flickr clone will range from a client surfing web to the huge organizations. The best feature about this clone is that you will not have to go and find clients; instead they will come to find you on web for the best feature residing inside your script would attract them.

Few features made it more users eye-catching such as, maps which would help you to locate the images, means the exact location of the image being clicked can also be provided along with the image. You can import your friends from other social networks, mails and much more, which will save your time making new friends or finding them again on flickr clone.

How can I get my photo sharing platform?

Flickr Clone, developed by NCrypted is a photo sharing platform, with immense features to impress your client and attract them towards your these clone. Whether you are or not a technical person who usually deals with lines and lines of code, still it would be easier for you to operate it, as the admin panel is very user friendly with enriched features inside it. The best website clone to deal with that provides you with enormous features in a nominal price.

How should I keep it running up and maintenance?

Flickr Clone developed by us, is our researched work, by our team, resulting into a bug free and fully tested platform. It has on page SEO. So you will not have to worry about the SEO and all after you get your script. We provide you with maintenance for a specific period of time, with assurance that you will not be requiring any more maintenance.

List of related Clones:

Vidhi Patel
Vidhi Patel
Vidhi is an internet marketing professional. Her interests span multiple of internet industries and she likes to regularly contribute to the NCrypted Blog.

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