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Fundraiser Enterprise is now Live!

fundraiser enterprise is now live

We are delighted to announce that Fundraiser Enterprise Edition is officially launched. This innovative platform will enable you to start your own crowdfunding website similar to Kickstarter in minutes! It has the best combination of features from Kickstarter, Indiegogo and SecondMarket. With attractive pricing of $749 only, it can’t get any better!

Test drive Fundraiser before you buy!

Check out the Fundraiser Enterprise Demo here to see the platform live in action before you decide to buy.

Customize the platform with unique and new features (Custom Development)

The platform is highly scalable, robust and can be utilized by businesses and entrepreneurs looking to start their own crowdfunding websites similar to Kickstarter to raise and facilitate funding projects.

How to get started?

You can buy it online or contact us in case of any customization inquiry.

About Fundraiser

The fundraiser is a crowdfunding script which lets you start your own fundraising and crowdfunding website similar to Kickstarter.

Kunal Pandya
Kunal Pandya
Kunal Pandya is an early stage investor, chief Guru/Mentor at StartupGuru and CEO of NCrypted Technologies. He is also an advisor and a board member of several of our portfolio companies.

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