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Tips to Build an Escort App

tips to build an escort app

The word Escort App must have stunned you, but let us agree it is a part of every society. And there’s nothing wrong in it as escort apps work differently from prostitution. Yes! Prostitution is different from Escorting. Prostitution is an illegal activity of trading flesh whereas if one is looking for escorts, one may not only be interested in the sexual activities.

Escorting industry majorly satisfies the need for companionship. We all need someone to share our things with (personal or professional) and this is where the escort app can help you. The escort app can help you find escorts that could accompany you to movies, games, ball dances, weddings, parties, a paid date or for physical relations. This is how the escort app service is different from the app for hookers.

Here are some tips you should consider before building an Escort app;

Beware of the Legal Issues

Though this industry does not fall in the same line as prostitution, it still is considered a grey area. There are many problems that one might face being a part of this industry. Escorting is not a legal offence in most of the countries but you still need to know all the rules and regulations of this industry before starting your services in different countries.

Another important thing to take care of is the validation of escort candidates that enter your site. For instance, there have been many cases of hookers on Tinder. The tinder escorts create a normal account on Tinder and then once they get in contact with a person who is interested in having further connections with them outside Tinder, they ask for money for companionship which is not the purpose of Tinder. It is also possible that the escort candidates on your escort app may spoil your client retention through activities that do not serve the purpose of your app.

Follow a Business Plan and Pre-decide a Revenue Stream

A major issue with the escort businesses is funding. Once you’ve made a business plan to help people find local escorts, then like any other online business, your next step would be to get funding for the app development and for marketing and advertisements for the next 6-7 months. But it’s hard to get a bank loan for such a business. The only solution then would be asking for help from your friends or family or run a crowdfunding campaign or maybe find an investor.

You also need to determine a revenue stream for your business. There are several ways in which you can make money through an adult escort app. You can generate revenue through Advertisements, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing, or adopt the subscription business model for customer retention as well as constant revenue.

You can also use the Uber business model and step into the on demand industry. Many apps have shifted from other regular industries to the on demand industry using Uber for X business model where X stands for anything that can be provided on demand. In a similar fashion, you can build an Uber for escorts and provide the best escorts of the world on your platform.

Keep in Mind the Security Aspects

It is easy to start an escort service app but there are many more points to be kept in mind. One of the most important things to take care of is the security aspect of the escorts working with you. There are many chances of them falling in serious trouble at any point of time with the clients. So, it is advisable to have a serious security check in all the possible ways.

Reporting Suspicious Accounts

As discussed above, there should be a security check for all the clients as well as the escorts. It is also possible that the escorts working through your platform may bribe the clients or ask them for extra money. This is the reason why there should be a reporting module in your app so one can report an account giving valid reasons.

Credibility Check Before Activation of Accounts

Many people consider prostitution and escort services to be one and the same which is why it is better to have a few steps explaining the users who are registering on your app as clients as well as escorts. Before activating any accounts, you should check the credibility of the people registering on your platform. This could help you avoid chances of fraud and help you enable certain rules and regulation necessary to maintain a brand image.

The above tips can help you take extra care to build your escort services app. There are various other things you can implement in your escort app like review or rating system which can help the clients to review the escort services of the user they have interacted with. This could help the escorts to attract new clients and would become easier for other clients to find escorts as per the ratings and reviews.

Why You Should Build An Escort App?

With the increase in the digitalization day by day, it has become our routine to get everything done through our fingertips(actually!) On top of it, apps like Uber and Airbnb have made our lives so easy. Apps like these have given rise to the On Demand industry.

Nowadays, we can have everything starting from Beauty to Healthcare to Transportation On Demand. Most of the part of our lives now depend upon and work through smartphones and computers. So in this digital era, one might even look for prostitutes on tinder or on smooci app. Smooci is an escort app that can help users find local escorts.

With our escort app development services, you can build your own escort app that can help you start your own escort agency wherein the users can find escorts (male/female) of their choice and verify and proceed for further companionship.

Developed Projects of same industry by NCrypted Technologies.



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Himani Ramvani
Himani Ramvani
Himani is versatile, an innovator who wears many hats including a Content writer. Her educational background and her artistic inclination makes her different in spirit and curious to know about everything new.

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